Action Toolkit: Public Hearing in Los Alamos on the Toxic Chromium Plume

Throughout this past summer and fall, in collaboration with Communities for Clean Water, we have been offering a series of events called “Protecting the Most Vulnerable” to help prepare our community to participate in a public hearing regarding the toxic Chromium, Perchlorate and high explosive RDX plumes contaminating our regional drinking water aquifer.

On November 7 and 8, the public hearing on the groundwater discharge permit was held in Los Alamos with more than 100 people in attendance representing our Communities for Clean Water coalition: Amigos Bravos, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, Tewa Women United, Partnership for Earth Spirituality, New Mexico Acequia Association, and HOPE. Thanks also to Nuclear Watch NM and all the individuals who gave comments. 

What Happens Now: Attorneys for both sides will now file rebuttal testimony to counter the witness testimony. The hearing officer has 30 days to write a recommendation report to the environmental secretary on whether to grant stricter standards to the permit, uphold the permit as it is, or reject it altogether.

The period for public comments has been extended to December 7, 2018. 

Here are four DP-1793 sample public comment letters that you can use as a template for your letter (Word documents):

Please send your comments…

–> via email to:

–> via US mail to:

Pam Castaneda, Administrator to Boards and Commissions
P.O. Box 5469
Santa Fe, NM 87502

(If you send your comments via US mail, please make sure you send in advance so that they are received no later than December 7.)

[older archived information]

1) Participating in the Public Hearing

The importance of your participation
The Secretary of NMED will make a final determination approving, conditionally approving, or disapproving DP-1793 based on the administrative record for the permit application, public comment, and the public hearing. Your voice is needed! Thank you!

When and Where
On November 7 at 9 am, the New Mexico Environment Department will be conducting a Public Hearing on the land application of the “treated” Chromium, Perchlorate and RDX waters under discharge permit “DP – 1793.” The Hearing will take place at the Los Alamos Magistrate Court located at 2500 Trinity Drive, Los Alamos.

Facilitating your participation
The DP-1793 permit can be viewed on the Concerned Citizens for Nuclear safety website at:

2) Actions to Take Following the Public Hearing

Why take action following the Public Hearing?
The situation we face with the contamination of our drinking water is an ongoing issue. We need to carry the momentum we have built in preparation for the Public Hearing forward, particularly now with the new Legacy Cleanup Contractor, (N3B).

Carrying our work forward is important so that we:

And in this, we work to assure that DOE, LANL, N3B and the NM Environment Department protect our communities and all forms of living beings.

Actions you can take prior to and immediately after the Public Hearing


Traditional Media
NOTE: In taking any of the actions listed below, although we suggest that your comments are reflective of the “Content Themes” presented during the discussion of “Talking Points”, please relay comments which originate in your heart. The Talking Points document is included in the workshop information packet and can be found online at:


Santa Fe New Mexican:

Santa Fe Reporter:
Editor: Julie Ann Grimm:

Green Fire Times:
Editor-in-Chief: Seth Roffman:

Rio Grande Sun – Espanola:
News Editor: Alan Dale:

Los Alamos Monitor:

Los Alamos Daily Post:
Publisher/Editor: Carol A. Clark:

Associated Press:


News Director: Tom Trowbridge:

The Richard Eeds Show: