August: Make-a-Will Month

Tewa Women United’s heart work has always been intergenerational and looking ahead to future generations. As we nurture movements to advance environmental, reproductive, and gender justice, we do so in a way that comes from ancestral wisdom and that celebrates and protects our young people.

This same spirit is at the heart of making a will, a simple act but one that is often avoided and misunderstood. Creating a will can accomplish so much:

August is Make-a-Will-Month, and it’s a good time to understand and dispel three common myths:

Myth: Wills are only important if you have a lot of money or property.
This is false. There are many reasons to have a will. Wills can do quite a bit more than just name who gets your money and property. With a will, you can also nominate guardians for your minor children, name caretakers for your pets, leave instructions for digital assets, write your funeral wishes, and more. A will can also save your loved ones the time, money, and stress of lengthy, expensive probate court proceedings.

Myth: My family knows what I want, so I don’t need a will.
Fact: Your family might know what you want, but they won’t get to make any decisions for you if you don’t write them down in a will. Instead, a court will make those decisions based on local laws. And the court process can be long and cost your loved ones a lot of money from your estate. 

Myth: Writing a will is a long, complicated, and expensive process.
Fact: Not anymore! There are several online will-making tools out there today. Most of them charge for their services. But on FreeWill, you can fill out, download, and print your will for free in less than 20 minutes. Then all you have to do is sign your will with at least two witnesses and keep it safe.

Your will is also a wonderful opportunity to name Tewa Women United and other organizations that are important to you as beneficiaries. Your legacy gift helps us to continue our legacy of nurturing and celebrating the collective power of beloved families, communities, and Nung Ochuu Quiyo (our Earth Mother).

This month, we encourage you to take a little time to get familiar with the process and create your will using this tool from our partner, FreeWill: