Gender Justice and Healing Book Club / June

June 14, 2023
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

These monthly book clubs, sponsored by our Women’s Leadership and Economic Freedom Program, feature Indigenous and local authors. Registrants receive a free copy of the book! Please note there is a cap of 20 book club ‘members’ each month, and you need to register for each month you would like to participate.

For June we’ll be reading and discussing New Moons: Contemporary Writing by North American Muslims Anthology. Fatima Van Hattum and Sheba Karim, two of the authors in the anthology, will be join us.


“The goal with this anthology is to represent that full range of contemporary expressions of Islam, as well as a full range of genres—poetry, fiction, essay, memoir, political writing, cultural writing, and of course plenty of texts which mix and match and blur all of these modes . . . the trajectories between the pieces—like that of kismet—will be multiple, nonlinear, abstract. The Muslim community is plural and contradictory. This collection of voices ought to be symphony and cacophony at once, like the body of Muslims as they are today.”

—Kazim Ali (editor)