2020: A Year of Collective Care and Beloved Communities

This has truly been a year like no other.

Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic in March, Tewa Women United staff have worked hard to find creative solutions to respond to the needs of our communities throughout the Tewa homelands and Rio Arriba County.

Our activities maintained connections and affirmed the value of remaining in relationship while maintaining physical distance. We are re-membering that one of the most powerful things we can do at this time is re-connect with our lifeways and land-based traditions, and encourage others to do so during this stressful time.

Since March, we have prepared and distributed nearly 400 Care Bundles to support community members, especially those most vulnerable:

Environmental Health and Justice

Indigenous Women’s Health and Reproductive Justice

Women’s Leadership and Economic Freedom Program (including A’Gin Project)

Even as we have pivoted services this year, we continue to work in holistic ways to go beyond direct service. We are supporting movements rooted in P’in Haa (Breath of Heart/Life) and P’in Nall (Touching Heart and Spirit) that nurture and celebrate the collective power of beloved families, communities, and Nung Ochuu Quiyo (Earth Mother).

We are a collective of all of our experiences with multiple women, men, and children. All of these experiences have guided our processes and directions, and that is where the power is.

Kuunda woha/thank you for being part of our Beloved Community this year.