ACTION ALERT: Stop Tritium Venting and Protect the Most Vulnerable

In collaboration with New Mexico Environmental Law Center, Tewa Women United issued a press release on November 19: “New Report Reveals Los Alamos National Laboratory Tritium Venting Could Have Triple the Radiation Exposure to Infants Compared to Adults”

TWU commissioned two independent technical reports by respected scientists to study impacts of the venting of radioactive tritium. The finding: LANL omitted dose calculations to infants and children in their compliance application.

We are requesting that TWU supporters and everyone concerned about protecting the most vulnerable take these two actions no later than Thursday, December 19, 2024:


Earthea Nance, PhD, PE
Regional Administrator, Region 6
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(214) 665-2200

Call Script:

“I’m calling about LANL’s application to vent tritium that would impact nearby Pueblos and residents.” Ask the EPA to:

Suggested Email (copy, paste, insert your own words if you’d like):

Send to:

Earthea Nance, PhD, PE
Regional Administrator, Region 6

Dear Dr. Nance,

It is imperative that we protect front-line communities and the land surrounding LANL from the proposed tritium venting project. We will not accept any further contamination of our air and environment. Exposure to radioactive chemicals can result in significant and irreversible harm to internal organs, overall health, and quality of life, particularly for a young child or infant. 

Please deny Los Alamos National Lab’s application to vent tritium from the waste containers at Area G. It’s also important to include “infants and children” as members of the public in the Clean Air Act Regulation (40 CFR 61, Subpart H).

In collaboration with Tewa Women United, New Mexico Environmental Law Center, and the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, I strongly ask for your protection of ALL our residents.


[address, include city and state] 


Theodore ‘Ted’ Wyka, Environmental Manager
National Nuclear Security Administration
Los Alamos Field Office

Call Script:

“I’m calling about LANL’s application to vent tritium that would impact nearby Pueblos and residents.” Ask NNSA to:

Suggested Email (copy, paste, insert your own words if you’d like):

Send to:

Theodore ‘Ted’ Wyka, Environmental Manager
National Nuclear Security Administration
Los Alamos Field Office

Dear Mr. Wyka,

It is imperative that we protect front-line communities and the land surrounding LANL from the proposed tritium venting project. We will not accept any further contamination of our air and environment. Exposure to radioactive chemicals can result in significant and irreversible harm to internal organs, overall health, and quality of life, particularly for a young child or infant. .

I urge you to enforce Los Alamos National Lab’s adherence to DOE Order 458.1, with the aim of keeping radiation exposure rates “as low as reasonably achievable.” It is crucial to include infants and children in the public when calculating radiation doses. Moreover, LANL should be required to make its list of 53 alternatives to tritium venting publicly available, ensuring transparency and public awareness.

In collaboration with Tewa Women United, New Mexico Environmental Law Center, and the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, I strongly ask for your protection of ALL our residents.


[address, include city and state]